
Статуэтка New Concept



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Материал Фарфор
Подтип Animals
Длина (см) 17
Высота (см) 33
Ширина (см) 15
Покрытие Матовый с позолотой
Описание Flamingos are one of the most stylized and striking birds. The name means “flame-colored”. Because of its fire-red color
The ancient Egyptians believed that it was an embodiment of Ra
The sun god. Flamingos are generally long-lived birds
And a recent observational study has shown that they form lasting bonds of friendship with each other. The symbolism of flamingos and their instantly recognizable anatomy inspired Lladró artists to depict them in this creation. A couple of flamingos made in matte porcelain with a surprising decoration in pink and golden luster. The result is a very evocative and decidedly contemporary design.
Цвет Розовый
Артикул 1009675
Бренд Lladro
Коллекция New Concept
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New Concept

Креативность и техническое мастерство на службе авангардных творений. Скульптуры, освещение или аксессуары для дома, смелые и инновационные предложения с неожиданным декором. Эти проекты Lladró говорят о неустанном стремлении сломать границы и найти новые эстетические пути. В результате получаются уникальные творения, требующие иного подхода и исчерпывающих экспериментов.

Porcelain sculpture of a couple of elegant flamingos with an innovative decoration.
Материал Фарфор
Подтип Animals
Длина (см) 17
Высота (см) 33
Ширина (см) 15
Покрытие Матовый с позолотой
Описание Flamingos are one of the most stylized and striking birds. The name means “flame-colored”. Because of its fire-red color
The ancient Egyptians believed that it was an embodiment of Ra
The sun god. Flamingos are generally long-lived birds
And a recent observational study has shown that they form lasting bonds of friendship with each other. The symbolism of flamingos and their instantly recognizable anatomy inspired Lladró artists to depict them in this creation. A couple of flamingos made in matte porcelain with a surprising decoration in pink and golden luster. The result is a very evocative and decidedly contemporary design.
Цвет Розовый
Бренд Lladro
Коллекция New Concept
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