
Heykəlcik Heritage



Xüsusiyyətləri göstər
Material Çini
Altnöv People
Uzunluq (cm) 23
Hündürlük (sm) 42
En (sm) 29
Örtük Tutqun
Qızıl və platin parıltılı
Təsvir This piece depicts Salvador Dalí. The unique Spanish artists is portrayed with his unmistakable and exuberant personality. A tribute to one of the most charismatic and unrepeatable creators of our time. Made in matte white porcelain
Golden and copper lusters were chosen for the decoration. They are applied
For instance
In the daffodils the painter was so fond of
Which crown his unmistakable moustache. A note of distinctive color is added with the bright red used to paint the lobster he is wearing on his lapel
Another recurring element in Dalí’s work. The daffodils
Handmade petal by petal
And the lobster are added to the piece by means of a system of magnets. The latter also comes with a hook that enables it to be used as a brooch. Dalí was one of the maximum exponents of Surrealism
An art movement that was and still is an expression of freedom through which human beings can express themselves beyond reason
Where the limits between reality and dreams are blurred. He turned himself into a character and with his powerful works full of dreamlike images he took artistic creativity to its ultimate consequences
Breaking the barrier between sanity and madness.
Rəng Ağ və qızılı
Satıcı kodu 1002030
Brend Lladro
Kolleksiya Heritage


Emosiyalar, gündəlik həyat, sevdikləriniz və ya ən uca təzahüründə təbiət - bütün bunlar ən yaxşı rəssamların əl işi olan yeni əsərlərdə təcəssüm olunur. Lladró çini heykəlləri öz sənətinin bütün sirlərinə yiyələnən rəssamların nümayiş etdirdiyi həssaslıq və texniki virtuozluğu ifadə edir. Təqvimdə xüsusi bir tarixi qeyd etmək, sevdiyiniz birinə ən xoş arzularınızı göndərmək və ya sadəcə həyatı qeyd etmək üçün mükəmməl hədiyyə olan və emosiya oyadan ruhlandırıcı əsərlər.

Porcelain sculpture paying tribute to Dalí, one of the most popular, unclassifiable and unique artists of the 20th century.
Material Çini
Altnöv People
Uzunluq (cm) 23
Hündürlük (sm) 42
En (sm) 29
Örtük Tutqun
Qızıl və platin parıltılı
Təsvir This piece depicts Salvador Dalí. The unique Spanish artists is portrayed with his unmistakable and exuberant personality. A tribute to one of the most charismatic and unrepeatable creators of our time. Made in matte white porcelain
Golden and copper lusters were chosen for the decoration. They are applied
For instance
In the daffodils the painter was so fond of
Which crown his unmistakable moustache. A note of distinctive color is added with the bright red used to paint the lobster he is wearing on his lapel
Another recurring element in Dalí’s work. The daffodils
Handmade petal by petal
And the lobster are added to the piece by means of a system of magnets. The latter also comes with a hook that enables it to be used as a brooch. Dalí was one of the maximum exponents of Surrealism
An art movement that was and still is an expression of freedom through which human beings can express themselves beyond reason
Where the limits between reality and dreams are blurred. He turned himself into a character and with his powerful works full of dreamlike images he took artistic creativity to its ultimate consequences
Breaking the barrier between sanity and madness.
Rəng Ağ və qızılı
Brend Lladro
Kolleksiya Heritage